When you are starting a small business, it can be an exhilarating experience. Majority of the time might usually go into the development of your service or product, finding customers, and hiring people. You should also consider setting aside some time to look after the financial health of the company.

What is Financial Planning?

For a small business owner, financial planning is generally an ongoing process. It requires the development of long and short-term fiscal and business objectives. To achieve these goals, you need to devise strategies and do some scenario planning. You can come across financial barriers at every stage of the growth of your business.

Tips for Efficient Financial Planning

1. Separate Personal and Business Goals: When planning the finances of your business, you should not try to compromise the aspects of personal goals to finance the other, and vice versa. Besides setting separate checking accounts for business and personal use, you need to envision the long-term and short-term goals for business, product, or service.

2. Explore Funding: Most small businesses tend to use their personal funds to start their business. The advantage of this is that it allows the organic and slow growth of the business, making it a financially viable model. However, it also comes with financial risks. Therefore, it is important to explore different sources of funding for your business.

3. Cash Flow:  Consistent cash flow is important for a variety of purposes like paying employees, meeting obligations, purchasing raw materials, and for emergencies and investments. Therefore, it is important to perform a cash flow analysis from time to time. It will help you in gaining a historical perspective and plan your business accordingly.

4. Risk Management: Every small business needs to devise strategies for identifying and mitigating risk. The process of creating a plan that addresses all the potential risks is a mammoth task. It is near impossible to address every potential risk. However, the list can be narrowed down by using safeguards like crisis communications plans and cybersecurity insurance.

5. Tax Management: Tax planning for businesses is vastly different from personal tax planning. This task is best outsourced to a small business accountant, who will be able to advise you on various strategies. They will not only reduce your tax liability, but free up your time that can be better spent on other tasks.


With these tips, you will be able to create an efficient plan to look after the financial health of your small business. If you are looking for small business accountancy services, then Shield Accountancy is the place for you. We can help in the growth of your business by moulding our services to suit your requirements.